Sunday, August 8, 2010


I have a one way ticket to New Orleans on Wednesday night. I've been super busy getting everything done, I shipped my bike to San Francisco last week, I went to the beach (twice!), I moved out of my apartment into a temporary Andrea-shaped vacancy at my friends Pam and Naomi's house, but there's still so much to do -- bind books, ship books, read (library) books. It's hard trying to fit everything in but it's nice knowing that by Wednesday night it won't matter what I got done or not.

My camera seems to be broken. On the first trip to the beach it started displaying "lens error" which I've read a little about and seems to be the dying gasp of many a digital camera. Right now it's resting on the floor of my room and maybe it will decide to start working again but in the meantime I got a disposable camera which I have been taking a picture a day with and I am pretty excited about.

My friends Darcy and Becca were here at the end of July, along with Darcy's brother Eddie and his girlfriend Laurel from Philadelphia for the weekend. Then my friend Nathan was here at the beginning of August.

Here's a picture Nathan took of Me and Chuck in the store, click on it to see Nathan's other pictures from NY, Philly, France, Armenia...

Once I get to New Orleans I've got plans to finish a children's book I've been working on for a while, record a cover of Bob Dylan's album New Morning and record another album inspired by New Morning.