Sunday, January 23, 2011

Backyard Update

We got the rest of the backyard dug up and we even fixed the fence today!

Before and after. In the hole behind the kale and cabbage we planted potatoes a few weeks ago, hopefully they will come up soon:

The garlic and lettuce is growing up but the spinach might need some extra encouragement:

We took a lot of the ivy out but it's hard to get all of it. Three weeks ago and today:


Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Pictures

I finally got my pictures from the last part of the trip developed! Here are a couple and the rest are on flickr.

Me at the Utah Capitol Building, and Erik inside the potato museum.

Me in front of the Potato Museum.


Friday, January 7, 2011

House Project

Earlier this week Bonnie and I went to the library to work on her research project on our house. We found the water company records of when the water pipes were first connected to the house and were able to cross reference this with Fire Insurance Company maps to determine when our house was built! 1923, how about that, it is the second oldest house on the block. We are the house 150 feet South of Estero on the records on the left here.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Garden Project

Bonnie and I have been working in the backyard the past few weeks trying to make a small garden. So far we are just working in the area around the perimeter of the yard which has gotten pretty overgrown the last few years. Bonnie started along the north side of the yard with a few small plots and later I started clearing ivy along the west side of the yard. Now we are clearing all of the dirt and ivy in between those two areas so almost half of the yard perimeter area is clear.

Here are some pictures taken today from the house of Bonnie working on her original plots:

Here are pictures of the space where I cleared a lot of ivy and another part of the yard showing what it used to look like: