Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Eagle Photos Etc.

OOOOoooo. The sky is ominous and we think it might
rain. That night we camp on some unnaturally green
grass in front of a ranger station. Pat puts up the rainfly
on the tent in case of rain. In the middle of the night, we
hear water falling. It's the sprinklers! They stay on all
night! We are in the desert! In any case, it still hasn't
rained and Patrick and I have a bet. No rain til New
Orleans. The wager is a slice of pizza.

Or bird watched Ken drops us off in Peridot,
Arizona , halfway through the Apache
Reservation. We are hoping to make it off
the reservation by night so we can camp
somewhere. Camping on the reservation
requires a permit.

At the Observation Point, Ken sets up the
scope for the Eagles nest and Pat eats an
orange. Ken plans to cover the roof of the
OP with dried Ocotillo (a desert cactus).

The roof of Joan's van is covered with old photos of
cowboys and native americans. Her green VW bus is called
"the pickle". It was given to her by some old ladies who
knew she'd always wanted one.

Jeremy, our new bike friend, looking very colorful with
his gear.

Joan, one of our Eagle Monitors, spots a flock of
unidentifiable birds on the lake.

The Eagle tree! The eagles are roosting in a dead
Cottonwood tree. You can see the 8 week old eagle in the
nest flapping. It's preparing to leave the nest by
strengthening its wings. The nest is about 6 feet in

Lake Roosevelt before Sundown. Joan has taken us out
in her boat to see the nest.


Ro said...

That picture of Joan is so good! I love the bird book in her hand that's doing her no good.