Friday, May 20, 2011

Travelin' Songs

I haven't had anything to post for a while because I've been pretty busy working at Luna and working on other projects. My friend Brendan's book that I'm working on to publish through Phone Booth Press is almost done being edited so hopefully that will come out soon. Also Jessica and I are maybe planning to try to work together in July on The Borough of Blackwell so that it can also come out soon.

I'm also working on a record with my friend Becca. I hopefully will be able to finish it before I move out of the Yellow House in June. We are going to record vocals while I'm in San Francisco next week for Mariah's graduation. Here is a demo of one of the songs we wrote that we recorded back in January:

Becca and Pat - No Lookin' Back by Patrick Weaver

We don't have a name for our band yet so I guess we'll have to come up with that before we put anything out too!


Erik said...

I don't even know what to say... This just made my day!