Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things that happened recently

Becca and I recorded a little bit while I was in San Francisco but unfortunately I got sick and we didn't get much that we liked down. I think she is going to come visit Seattle in about a week but everything will be really busy around then, hopefully we get a chance to do a few songs.

It's gonna be crazy because we are getting ready to move out of the Yellow House. I started taking down the wall made of crates in my room today, it's really sturdy and soundproof so it's cool to see how it looks inside:

I have been having a lot of bike problems recently. A few weeks ago my front derailer broke but I never used the big cog in the front very much so I just took it off. I also got a few flat tires in a row and had to replace the tube because the valve stem was broken and then on Friday I broke a spoke on my way home. I got a new spoke yesterday and got the freewheel off to put it on. I trued my wheel somewhat but some of the spokes are frozen and so I can't get it as true as I would like. I'm riding about 70 miles a week just coming to and from work so probably I should be checking everything out more often so I don't have as many problems.

Also, Emily's Final Line show was last week, I forgot to bring my camera but here is a picture that was in her school newsletter, that is her display on the right. She is done with school now for the summer and got her apparel design degree.