Friday, July 26, 2013

Laika Tour

I am in Seattle! Last week though I was in Portland and my friend Yair and I took a tour of Laika the animation studio where our friend Jessica works. They are working on a new movie called The Boxtrolls which will come out in September 2014. I'm not allowed to share what we saw on the tour because it is top secret but they did put out this short trailer last week.

After the tour we walked by miles of Intel parking lots to get to the train back to Portland and along the way we picked a whole lot of blackberries. Just picked some more a few blocks from Bone House, they're getting ripe everywhere because it's been so nice everywhere up here.

I'm going back to Portland on Tuesday and then I'm going to try to make it up to near Port Townsend to visit Rebecca on the farm where she works.