Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Sandy

I am here! Brooklyn seems relatively unaffected by the hurricane so far! I spent the last two days in Clinton Hill weathering out the storm. We went for a walk around 8PM last night and it wasn't too crazy out, though in other parts of the city it seems like it was. This morning we walked over to DUMBO and saw few downed trees and about 5 foot high flood waters on the buildings at the waterfront.

The subways, however, seem to be a completely different story! Nobody will ever go back to work I think. I would be surprised to see even limited subway service resume before next Monday but it could be longer. They started running buses today and full service is supposed to resume tomorrow. Both the bookstore and the MOUSE office still have no power, not sure when anything will happen in Lower Manhattan again.

For more detailed info check out our informative NEWS REPORT: