Thursday, December 9, 2010

No One Was Like Vermeer

I came back from Santa Cruz! Only without my bike helmet. I went to Jonathan Richman at the Great American Music Hall with friends Andrey and Elizabeth. It was a good show, a bit sillier than last February in Brooklyn, more dancing less sing-a-longs. I think that one thing that was the same is that both times he didn't even get all the way off the stage before he came back for the encore.

Then I went to the MOMA with Bon yesterday, we saw the 75th Anniversary exhibit and then we walked around some other stuff. It was the once a month free day but it wasn't that crowded except for the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit which I also saw in New York during the summer. We briefly walked into the wine exhibit but decided we were in over our heads. Bon said, "Are you gonna blog about this?" I said, "No." Then I said, "Yes." Then Bon said, "Blog."

We were going to work in the garden today but it rained all day instead. Maybe we will tomorrow. I am going to plant squash everywhere.