Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Leaving Tomorrow!

Everything (almost) is all packed up and we're leaving tomorrow. We have a few stops around the city to make (cassette tape store, snow balls) and then hopefully before it gets to late we're outta here! We're gonna stay in East Texas, very close to where I was when I wrote this post, in Big Thicket National Wilderness Preserve. Then it's on to Austin where will we stay for about a week. Hopefully we can fit all our stuff in the truck!


Monday, September 27, 2010


Erik and I took one last trip to the swamp over the weekend to test out Erik's camera, here are some of the pictures he took. We are all packing up the apartment and planning to leave on Thursday morning for Austin either on Saturday or sometime next week depending on how long we want to take getting there. Hopefully everything fits in the truck!

While Erik took this first picture of the swamp I dropped my sunglasses into it (the swamp). Fortunately the water is not very deep and I was able to retrieve them.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Camera Pictures

I got my disposable camera pictures developed. I got prints made this time but I found out that most places I can just get negatives made for only a few dollars so I started experimenting with taking digital pictures of the negatives. If I want clearer versions I can always scan them too but I like how these turned out also. Here are a few, you can see the rest on flickr.

Me and Bowen, Maggie and Lesley at my goodbye party:

Christina in the backyard, Pam at work on my last day in NY:

Me and Erik in Jackson, MS at the capitol building:


Sunday, September 12, 2010


We have about three weeks left in New Orleans before Erik and Christina's lease is up and we head out. Now that I have finished recording New Morning I hope to be able to finish writing and recording another record before we leave. I'm excited becuase it's probably only gonna be guitar, it's fun to record many tracks with all kinds of instruments but at a certain point it gets really tiring playing all the tracks on a song. If you haven't listened to New Morning yet the best song is probably "Sign on the Window" so at least give that one a listen.

Erik is driving his car back to California at the end of the month and Christina and I are going to go with him at least part of the way, we are going to take our time camping along the way and hopefully make it up to South Dakota and Idaho.

I also need to finish writing at least the words of my new book by the time we leave and hopefully lay it out so I can figure out where illustrations would go. This is all a lot to do because our friends Zach and Martin are coming to visit next week and my friend C.J. is coming to visit his brother right after! Busy days!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

This must be the day when all of my dreams come true

Haven't written anything for a while, sorry about that! I would like to feel confident in my ability to write something compelling and coherent but since my camera broke I feel like nothing is quite blog-worthy. At first when it stopped working I said to myself, "Good! Now I will write about things instead of just putting a bunch of pictures of stuff," but . . . I'm still scared to bore anyone with a giant block of text.

Today we drove across Lake Pontchartrain to Mandeville and then rode our bikes a few miles over to the Abita brewery and we took the free tour. There is a rail-to-trail bike path that runs along the north shore and it was surprisingly nice to ride a bike on a path with neither traffic nor potholes. Any street in New Orleans is a pretty bumpy ride so it was a nice to be able to ride a few miles without getting all rattled around.

Before going on the causeway I was really excited about it for some reason but it turned out to be pretty boring. It's almost 24 miles long and you can't see one side from the other at least on a semi cloudy day like today.

My new record which is a cover of Bob Dylan's album New Morning is done but we haven't taken the picture for the cover yet so it will probably come out sometime next week depending on how the photo shoot goes.