I made some tapes:
Sweatshirt for Maggie's brother:
Sweatshirt for Nandini:
San Francisco sweatshirt step 1:
step 2:
step 3:
In Beaumont:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tapes and sweatshirts
Saturday, December 26, 2009
take me as I am
I rode in a plane from New York to Los Angeles yesterday on Christmas. Along the way I finally realized why it's called the "Airtrain" (it goes to the airport). It was weird to be traveling so far in five hours, the same distance it took three months to go on a bicycle. I was last in California on April 15, 8 months and 10 days ago. 11 days now. I have never felt the need to take a picture out of the window of a plane before. Here the plane is descending into the L.A. basin:
It is also weird to not feel very busy, I haven't had more than one day off in a row in a few months now and so many of my projects are stuck in New York.
Downtown Los Angeles as seen from an airplane:
Monday, December 21, 2009
Central Park Snowtown
I got there around 3 o'clock but the sun is already setting around that time.
A snowman.
There were many people out and about.
So many trees!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It snowed today and stuck for the first time (it snowed last week but it had been raining before so it just melted). Here are some pictures from the store and the walk home, it's supposed to snow more tonight!
Outside the store right after it started, there is no snow on the ground in the foreground because that is where the basement of the store is under the sidewalk and so the snow melted there.
Dylan sprinkling salt.
Bleecker playground after work.
Snow bikes at home.
Monday, December 14, 2009
More Sweatshirts and other pictures
Empire State Building + Snowflakes
CDs waiting for takeoff, I like how the glare in the first one looks like the headlight of the train.
Lights at night in w-burg
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
One More Thin Gypsy Thief
New album is done, copies will be mailed out as soon as they exist if you want to hold one in your hand. Otherwise it is online for you to download. If anyone wants to download a lossless version let me know and I can put that up too.
1. A Steady Hand
2. Don't Say A Thing
3. One More Thin Gypsy Thief
4. L Train, L Train
5. Lord of Pipestone
6. Tourist Town
7. If It's Not Love
8. So Mixed Up
9. The River
10. So Hard To Say Goodbye
11. Restless Man
Download the whole thing here (V0 Mp3, 48mb .zip file).

All songs by Patrick Weaver except "Lord of Pipestone" by Everything in Pen. "A Steady Hand" contains portions of "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" by Flannery O'Connor and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, "One More Thin Gypsy Thief" contains portions of "Famous Blue Raincoat" by Leonard Cohen, "Tourist Trap" contains portions of "Carey" by Joni Mitchell, "If It's Not Love" contains portions of "Ask" by the Smiths, "The River" contains portions of "The River" by Flannery O'Connor and "Suzanne" by Leonard Cohen. Recorded December 4 and 5, 2009 at the Opera House, Brooklyn, NY. Thanks to Naomi, Maggie, the Nuclears and Rebecca.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Gone, Gone, Gone
I made a new album, I put two songs on myspace. The whole thing will be online and I will mail out copies when the final version is ready in a few days.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Backpack exchange club and snowflakes
A backpack that I made for Stef and some more decorations from both stores:
This is my half of the backpack exchange club:
A backpack inside of a backpack,:
Franken-santa got a makeover to become regular santa (but still has his franken-feet under those shoes!)
More snowflakes
Snowflake close-up: